A Simple Proof: There Is A Dimension That Has No Beginning And No End

With any unreasonable shadow of NO doubt, I believe the real question that prompted me to write this topic in the first place will by no means stir up an irrefutable misunderstanding in 45 percent of individuals that see that particular question before ever reading the article to the end.

But instead of giving the question first, I will explain with 3 other questions and then finally paraphrase the main question...

Do you think probably around 260 B.C. they would have believed...
  • That something nearly as large as a football field and high as a four story building could fly in the sky? It’s impossible they will say and of course, we know the airplane especially the Airbus A380.
  • That there is a place where time can be distorted, a place where you can  bend time, like bending a plastic plate. Of a truth in this particular dimension (EARTH) we are in, time is of the essence but there is a particular dimension were TIME can be distorted - in SPACE, Einstein suggested the theory, Scientists have proved it. If you don’t know, now you know.
  • That there is a place the law of gravity (well...you can explain it to them if you can) is of no effect, a place you will just continue to float - the moon. Will they believe? I don’t think so, why? Because they haven’t experienced it and if some eventually believe, it’s just FAITH in motion.
The point is, people who survived in 250 B. C had an extremely low knowledge of some facts, and I can approximate their knowledge of those facts mentioned above to be low as that of an ant. Their brains couldn't comprehend the fact that much still lies ahead but people like you and I of this present dispensation will appreciate and acknowledge this points as a statement of fact.

Nevertheless, do you think we are like the Stone Age guys in some matters? I mean, do you think our knowledge (like the people of 250 B. C) about certain matters, is still low, well, it may be a little better than that of an ant but still low.

Will you believe that, there is someone who has no beginning and no end and He exits where there is no beginning or no end?  Beginning or end just doesn't exist with him. Will you believe that?
You may find it hard to believe but believe it or not, take it or leave it; the truth is right before our eyes - God!

The realm God operates in has NO beginning and No end. God Himself said in Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is and which was and which is to come"

You see, our brains are not designed to comprehend it, as a matter of fact, it's just not designed to grasp it but I can assure you, if you will only obey His voice...you will later know as a statement of fact.
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Remember: Thinking is nothing more but a process of asking and answering questions - Anthony Robbins.
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The text content within this article is composed and written expressly by the owner of larntan.blogspot.com


  1. Awesome message!
    There are yet Mysteries beyond our imaginations which our very heart is not able to comprehend except the Lord tells us. e.g We all know physically that 1 + 1= 2; But what will you say is the answer to Mr A Emotion + Mr B Emotion =?
    Or Expression of Compassion + Expression of Love = ???
    And many more....
    But the bible makes it clear that even the very thoughts of our heart cannot be hidden from God. He indeed operates in dimension without beginning and end because HE IS BEGINNIING & END.


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